How to use Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner to Find vulnerabilities

How to use Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner to Find vulnerabilities   

today i am going  to share a new thing on my blog for New security Researcher or Ethical Hacker for Ethical hacking purpose. as i am security researcher people ask so many question about different types of vulnerability like cross site scripting XSS , SQL injection , CSRF , LFI , RFI and so many others vulnerability . 

Vulnerabilities web vulnerability scanner tools

we can find easily these bugs manually but you can also find these vulnerability with the help of automatic Web Application Security Scanner.and some vulnerability mention below 

Common website vulnerabilities:

netsparker web application security scanner

There are lots of security flaw in a website but most common vulnerability now days mention below

·         XSS (Cross site scripting)
·         SQL injection
·         Remote File inclusion (RFI)
·         Local File inclusion (LFI)
·         CSRF
·         Remote code execution
·         Full Path
So many other’s bugs

Netsparker  Web Application Security Scanner

Netsparker  Web Application Security Scanner is very awesome scanner for newbie, With the help of this  scanner you can easily find vulnerability on small website. but as i am security researcher i will tell you one thing find vulnerability manually rather then the find with the help of scanner. so use this tool this is really helpful for you if you have any problem regarding this article so then please comment below
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