How to Protect Your Children Against Cyber Bullying

How to Protect Your Children Against Cyber Bullying

Nowadays, cyber bullying is a rampant problem that affects not only the adults but most particularly the children. This problem occurs with the rise of modern technology such as the internet that provides easy access and channel for kids of different ages to intimidate or bully their own classmates, friends and even other children whom they barely know. Aside from the internet, cyber bullying also takes place through mobile phones as it allows circulation of gossip or false accusation that can be hurtful as well as of embarrassing photos and videos that can truly degrade the morale of the one being bullied.  SMS, instant messaging, email, chat rooms and social media are being used in the offense.
Protect Your Children Against Cyber Bullying
Protect Your Children Against Cyber Bullying

So, as parent or guardian of these minor children, you should have known your responsibility to know what they have been going through by taking time talking and encouraging them to tell if there’s by any way they feel being bullied.  Ignoring and not giving time to resolve the problem can even make it more worst and may lead to further serious complications.

Here are some tips on how to protect your children against cyber bullying:

1-Do not encourage your child to respond to someone who is throwing hurtful words or being so aggressive online as this can only make the case worse.
2-Contact Internet Service Provider if someone posts something embarrassing about your child online including personal information. The provider will most likely have the information deleted.
3-Do not hesitate to report any cyber-bullying concern to your kid’s school and if it turned out to be so serious and putting risk on the safety of your child, seek assistance from local police.
4-Talk to your child the importance of keeping the privacy about personal information when communicating others online. Discourage them not to give e-mail address to someone whom they barely know.
5-Teach children about spam management and let them remove any messages from the unknown sender.
6-Have your anti-virus software always up to date. See for further info.
7-Best to install netspysoftware on your child’s devices. Using this software can help monitor what’s happening or what’s going on with your kids online.
8-Explain to your child that as parent, it’s your outmost responsibility to check on his / her interaction with other kids when needed.
9-Let them understand about the importance of telling their parents if ever they are threaten and are one of the victims of cyber bullying.

Here are some key points in protecting your children online:
1-Implement blocking of inappropriate content
2-Heighten your privacy and online security
3-Set-up computer to only approved email addresses and websites
4-Monitor the sites where your children go online
5-Install and use
6-Explore internet together with your children through child-friendly sites and use safe zones.
7-Discuss sites that are suited for your children to explore as well as to sites that are not suited for them. And if they happen to be on the site let them leave immediately closing the browser or by clicking the back button.
8-Teach your kids to be cautious and abstain from displaying photos and videos especially if these might have the tendency to create problems in the future when unlikely people able see them, those who are not acquainted to them or not their friends.
9-Supervise the use of internet like placing the computer in visible place at home

There are indeed many ways to keep your children safe from the cyber-bullying. Aside from parental guidance and open communication, it is important to keep track of your child’s online activities with the help of a spyware that help filter messages and monitor activities as well as protect your child’s safety.

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